Balsam Veterinary Hospital — Veterinary Care in Collingwood

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Balsam Veterinary Hospital

Veterinary Care at 20 Balsam St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4H7, Canada, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4H7 . Here you will find detailed information about Balsam Veterinary Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 4 reviews


20 Balsam St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4H7, Canada, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4H7
L9Y 4H7

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About Balsam Veterinary Hospital

Balsam Veterinary Hospital is a UK Veterinary Care based in Collingwood, Ontario. Balsam Veterinary Hospital is located at 20 Balsam St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4H7, Canada,

Please contact Balsam Veterinary Hospital using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Balsam Veterinary Hospital opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Balsam Veterinary Hospital

  • Ethan
    Added 2016.07.13
    VERY BAD EXPERIENCE! Your animal is an important family member so make a good choice on who is their veterinarian. I was new to Collingwood and chose to go to this vet because it was the closest to my house. What a mistake I made! When I went into the clinic the staff was quite cold and as I recall my puppy was licking my face and the front desk lady was disgusted. She said you know that is really gross and that your dog licks its own butt right. I thought that people working in the office would love animals? Anyways, my puppy was very itchy and was scratching her hair off of her legs. I knew it wasn't fleas because she hadn't been outside and she was my only animal . The vet still insisted on treating her for fleas (which is not cheap may I add). After giving her that and de worming her with two different types of treatments, changing her food to what they sell, adding oatmeal puppy wash that they sell, then another type of bath treatment called cortisoothe which they sell and then on top of that fish oil. The bill just went higher and higher. In the end I decided to go with a skin scraping just to make sure nothing was wrong. I asked them to give me a firm quote on how much it would cost for the scraping in writing so they did. I had to work the day of her appointment so I had to get my bf to take her in. When I got home there was a bill sitting there with double the amount of what we agreed on. I went in and felt like I was getting blindly robbed.They would not budge on the bill and said that if I don't pay it they will take me to court. Another unprofessional thing that happened while I took my puppy there was when she was getting her first shots. My puppy is a very small Chihuahua, she weighed 1 pound when she went in for the shot. You would think they would use the smallest needle they have but NO she used a normal sized dog needle. It took her four tries to fully get the needle in and when she was done my puppy was bleeding everywhere. My puppy is now scared for life and is so scared to go to other vets. in conclusion if you love your dog DO NOT TAKE THEM TO THIS CLINIC! RUN the other way!
  • Eleanor
    Added 2015.07.30
    This is the most horrible vet clinic I have ever been to. The only thing they care about is money. My senior parents were coned out of a lot of money by this place. They are very rude. And cold and will do anything it takes to rack the bill up as much as possible for unneeded treatments. Please please please do not go here!!!!!
  • Asher
    Added 2014.07.20
    they sell old dog food. If I didn't check the expiry date, I would of ended up with old dog food. The front desk lady is inept at dealing with incoming calls and customers walking in.
  • Skylar
    Added 2013.06.01
    Been taking my dog there for years. Caring staff, offering boarding and puppy training class.
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