Ontario Provincial Police Opp — Police in Collingwood

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Ontario Provincial Police Opp

Police at 201 Ontario St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4M4, Canada, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4M4 . Here you will find detailed information about Ontario Provincial Police Opp: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 6 reviews


201 Ontario St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4M4, Canada, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4M4
L9Y 4M4

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About Ontario Provincial Police Opp

Ontario Provincial Police Opp is a UK Police based in Collingwood, Ontario. Ontario Provincial Police Opp is located at 201 Ontario St, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4M4, Canada,

Please contact Ontario Provincial Police Opp using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Ontario Provincial Police Opp opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Ontario Provincial Police Opp

  • Madelyn
    Added 2016.04.18
    This detachment his home to some of the most conscientious and hardworking officers around. They never stop striving to provide Collingwood and the Town of Blue Mountains with unsurpassed service and security.
  • Delilah
    Added 2016.02.19
    My wife and I weren't entirely confident in setting up our new car seat for the baby on the way. We found out that we were able to book an appointment with a local OPP officer, Martin, and he would take us through all the steps. So we did that.
  • Charlotte
    Added 2015.10.27
    Nothing but police gang style stuff where the working public pays for the police to do nothing but drive around and act like goofs, I wouldn't call you for help clowns!
  • Nolan
    Added 2015.04.08
    Cop pulled me over for waving at him. I was on a back road, the cop passed and I waved at him, no harm done I figured, and he spun around aggressively, and drove up to my car asking if I had an issue and that if I had something to say, say it. I simply said I was waving and he got upset over a nice gesture. As a police office I would figure they would be welcoming to the community and only show their aggression towards people who are actually breaking the law not just waving. Sometimes I wonder how these guys become police.
  • Lydia
    Added 2014.08.13
    Martin was very friendly, upbeat, and of course, helpful. He not only set up the seat safely and in a way we could feel confident in, but he explained a lot more about how car seats work and why they're effective so we'd be able to properly set up a car seat for any other car we need to in the future.
  • Ezra
    Added 2014.02.14
    I'm sadden that our local detachment just ignores calls or let's situations get out of hand and then shrug it off. When did the police of Collingwood stop caring...
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